Hi! I’m William, a college freshman at MIT studying mathematics and computer science. Before university, I lived in the greater Seattle area in Washington state. I’m fascinated by most things STEM, but, as implied by my choice of majors, I’m particularly interested in math and computer science. In high school, I participated in the MAA AMC series as well as the USA Computing Olympiad, I was a camper at Canada/USA Mathcamp in 2022 and 2023, and I’m an MIT PRIMES-USA alumnus. I love both competitive and advanced math and exploring new fields in my free time!
In the world of programming, I’ve worked with C++, Julia, Java, Python, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and LaTeX. For web development, I’m familiar with React, Vue, Astro, and Tailwind. I built this website using Astro and Tailwind.